As of January 1, 2019, I'm offering a premium service for local brides-to-be! I will travel to your the bride's florist to capture an image of her breathtaking bouquet before she even sees it, preserving it perfectly forever.* The bride will choose her canvas size before the wedding and it will be delivered to her 2-4 weeks after her wedding date. The session fee for the shoot and shipping is included in the price. All orders include an 8x8 canvas with easel backing for mom!


The Investment

8x10 canvas $269

11x14 canvas $349

16x24 canvas $479

24x36 canvas $799

30x40 canvas $839





*where logistically possible and when the florist and bridal photographer are in agreement. Bride-to-be and Dawn Kubie Photography will enter into a contract for the bouquet ready date.